The Kinwat Forest, located in the heart of Maharashtra, India, is a treasure trove of botanical diversity. The region is home to numerous plant species, many of which possess significant medicinal properties. Our database is dedicated to documenting these plants and their ethnobotanical uses, providing valuable information for researchers, practitioners, and nature enthusiasts.

Explore Our Database:

  1. 1. Scientific Names-Accurate plant information
  2. 2. Local Names-Common names used by indigenous communities
  3. 3. Uses-Traditional and modern medicinal uses.

The Kinwat Forest Ethnobotanical Medicinal Plants Database is a collaborative effort by botanists, ethnobotanists, and local communities who share a passion for preserving and understanding the traditional knowledge of medicinal plants. Our mission is to document and disseminate information about the medicinal plants of the Kinwat Forest, promoting sustainable use and conservation of this invaluable natural heritage.

This project, titled "Development of a Database Application for Ethno Medicinal Plants of Kinwat Forest Range," is born out of this urgent need. It represents a dedicated effort to safeguard and digitize the traditional knowledge of the region's medicinal plants, ensuring that this rich legacy is not only preserved for future generations but also made accessible to researchers, healthcare practitioners, conservationists, and the broader public. The primary goal of this research is to create a comprehensive and user-friendly digital repository—a database application that meticulously catalogs the ethnomedicinal plants of the Kinwat Forest Range, along with the traditional knowledge associated with each species. The development of this database was a multifaceted endeavor that began with rigorous ethnobotanical fieldwork. This involved close collaboration with local healers, community elders, and other knowledge holders who generously shared their insights and expertise. Their contributions were critical in ensuring that the data collected was authentic, accurate, and reflective of the deep cultural significance these plants hold. The fieldwork provided the foundation for a database that is not merely a collection of information but a living document of cultural heritage. The design and implementation of the database application were guided by key principles of accessibility, usability, and sustainability. The application was developed with the aim of serving a diverse user base, from academic researchers and ethnobotanists to local community members and conservationists. It was essential that the database be both intuitive and powerful, allowing users to easily navigate the wealth of information contained within it, while also safeguarding sensitive cultural knowledge and ensuring its ethical use.

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Our Team

Plant 1

Dr. Yogesh Somwanshi

Principal Investigator

HOD, Department of Computer Science

Plant 2

Dr. S.R. Shinde


Associate Professor, Department of Botany

Plant 3

Dr. E.S. Reddy


Assistant Professor, Department of Botany

Plant 3
Plant 3

Mr. Himalaya Raut

Project Assistant

Plant 3

Contact Us

Address: Dept. of Computer Science, Baliram Patil College, Kinwat, Dist- Nanded, Maharshtra(India)

Phone: +91-7447220722

Email: prof.yogeshsomwanshi@gmail.com